Saturday, June 14, 2008


I just remembered in my first year in college, we need to memorize and sing the CVSCAFT hymn. How unlucky I am, I’m not good in singing nor in memorization. But, I needed to know how to sing it or else Sir Sarigumba would give me a flying color in P.E. class. And to those who forgotten their alma mater’s hymn, better read and let your mind remember the lyrics…

Our beloved CVSCAFT, you make a difference
In the lives of young people far and wide
A system of learning with a vision
For progress and a mission to provide skills and training
For future farmers, midwives, fishery experts, traders, technologists.

Oh, beloved CVSCAFT
Let your name resound in all the lands
Heralding your traditions of quality and competitiveness
Your proud sons and daughters will always uphold the values
We love you ever now and forevermore.
Long live! CVSCAFT

Be proud cvscaftians, you are the chosen few.

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