Saturday, June 14, 2008


I just remembered in my first year in college, we need to memorize and sing the CVSCAFT hymn. How unlucky I am, I’m not good in singing nor in memorization. But, I needed to know how to sing it or else Sir Sarigumba would give me a flying color in P.E. class. And to those who forgotten their alma mater’s hymn, better read and let your mind remember the lyrics…

Our beloved CVSCAFT, you make a difference
In the lives of young people far and wide
A system of learning with a vision
For progress and a mission to provide skills and training
For future farmers, midwives, fishery experts, traders, technologists.

Oh, beloved CVSCAFT
Let your name resound in all the lands
Heralding your traditions of quality and competitiveness
Your proud sons and daughters will always uphold the values
We love you ever now and forevermore.
Long live! CVSCAFT

Be proud cvscaftians, you are the chosen few.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Education, hard to get?

Every people wish to have a college degree, right?
It takes one’s effort to have one. Take note, no shortcut!
But before we can start the journey, financial capabilities take into account. Why? Going into college is not easy as 1 2 3. It is not like high school or even elementary years where the fees are minimal which our parents could endure. In college, thousand of pesos involved and subjects are difficult.
But don’t worry, in every problem there are solutions that suited each one of us..
For financial problems:
1.Scholarships- scholarships are given to those who have talents or exemplenary achievements during high school. Anyone could avail it from universities, colleges, government and non-government institutions but before you could have one, you need to pass their qualifying exams. A scholar receives free tuition fees, book allowance, transportation and clothing expenses.
2.Working while studying- sometimes called part time. Many establishments like Jollibee, Mac Donald, Pizzahut accept students to work part time. Even schools, they have programs like this.
3.Don't forget your family and relatives they are the number one provider of money.
4.Lastly, our Almighty Father is always listening to our request. Be guided to your journey. Trust Him.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Thoughts to remember.

If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work.
 Jacques Cousteau
Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.
 Ralph Waldo Emerson
The smartest thing I ever said was, “Help Me!”
 Anon.
Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all the goods.
 Aristotle
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
 Robert Frost
I wonder why it is that we are not all kinder to each other… How much the world needs it! How easily it is done!
 Henry Drummond
Isn’t it better to have men ungrateful, than miss a chance to do good?
 Denis Diderot
Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.
 Edwin Way Teale
There is no greater calamity than lavish desires. There is no greater disaster than greed.
Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.
 J. Petit-Senn
I am happy and content because I think I am.
 Alain-Rene Lesage
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
 Johann Goethe
To be simple is the best thing in the world.
 G.K. Chesterton